Junior students

I started TKD because I was immature and little self control. TKD has made me more disciplined and has also improved my flexibility. I enjoy it very much and would encourage others to give it a go!

Paul Greasley, Age 11, May 2019

The first time I tried TKD was when Mr Shillabeer came to my school to teach us. We played lots of games and I really enjoyed it, so we decided to join the club and have looked forward to the lessons ever since. I have learned a lot more since joining and I am currently practicing to take part in my first ever grading. My favourite moves are blocks and punches. I feel very proud of myself every time I learn something new and have lots of fun doing it! Mr Shillabeer is a kind and patient teacher and I would definitely recommend joining the club!

Oliver Varley, age 8, May 2019

I joined DS TKD because it made me feel like I could escape from the real world. Now I have more confidence and feel like I can just be myself instead of having to impress everyone around me. Mr Shillabeer is very helpful and supports us a lot. I’d say if you are thinking about giving it a go just do it because I love going every lesson and I’m sure you will too!

Jess Saunderson, age 12, May 2019

I think DS Taekwondo is good because it combines discipline and fun and teaches me self control.

Matthew Belk, age 10, May 2019

I like helping out and setting up before the class and learning new moves. I really like getting a new belt and playing the games that we do!

Sam Barratt, age 7, May 2019

I like the games and the club is good. I started because my brother had started. TKD makes me stronger and I want to earn a black belt.

Mia Simmonig, age 6March 2018

I like my new pattern and I want to get my next belt. I have become fit. I think others would like it.

Alessandro Simmonig, age 8March 2018

I really enjoy Taekwondo because it keeps me fit and healthy. It has also helped me to feel more confident and I have even made new friends.

Amy Lambert, age 10March 2018

I love the fact that at DS Taekwondo there is no pressure and it is a very friendly environment. I started because Mr Shillabeer came to my old school and sparked an interest. I have had good fitness, new friends, self defence and the feeling of achievement and having new goals. I would like to reach black belt, learn how to do tricking and get a gold medal at a competition. I love DS Taekwondo and especially like my Instructor because he treats you with respect, is extremely good at TKD and he doesn’t patronise you. I would highly recommend the club to anyone.

Cameron Maiklem, age 12March 2018

I joined with my brother and I like punching the pads the best!

Vidhuran Dinesh-Kumar, age 7March 2018

I really like taekwondo because it is fun to learn new moves which we might need later in life. I have made lots of new friends. I started because my friend really enjoyed it so I decided to give it a try.

Peter Lidbury, age 11, October 2020

I came to TKD because my friend was already there and said he found it fun and useful. I really like that I can learn to defend myself and I’ve made new friends. I want to achieve my black belt.

Mahilan Dinesh-Kumar, age 12March 2018

My name is Maya, and I started Taekwondo just over a year ago. The main reason I joined was that my friend also had begun training, but I also wanted to learn how to defend myself in a critical situation. Now that I am here, I love it. It has taught me to be more respectful and confident. My fitness has improved, as well as my reflexes and strength. Sir Shillabeer is kind, interactive and inspiring. he is very positive, but can be strict in the right situation. I really recommend that you join!

Maya Stelmach, age 11, October 2020

I like TKD because it could save my life by defending myself from bad people. I started because I wanted to make new friends. I want to achieve a black belt. I think TKD is good for children of all ages!

Joshua Lee, age 9March 2018

I like TKD because you have fun while learning new moves and self defence skills. I started because if you get attacked you can do your moves and stay safe. You learn new moves at each belt and I am trying to learn ‘straight finger tip thrust’ which is hard. I would say to other people they should come and try it because its great fun and learn self-defence.

Tille France, age 8March 2018

I started Taekwondo over a year ago and I have gained confidence, made lots of new friends and the atmosphere is very friendly and welcoming.

Owen Renton, age 13, July 2021

I like that taekwondo can teach you to defend yourself. I started because It looked good when I tired it at ARCHIE Camp. I would like to get my black belt. I have also made some nice friends. I really enjoy doing Taekwondo!

Jacob Firth, age 8March 2018

I love TKD because when we learn and practice our moves we do it in a fun way. I started because Mr Shillabeer came to our primary school and a load of my friends joined I tried it too. I have learnt lots of things like how to be safe and how to defend myself. I would like to earn a black belt and higher! The club is really good and I recommend the club to other people as its useful if anyone attacks you and the achievement you feel when you get a new belt is great and you feel proud. I like the fact it makes me stronger and fitter.

Thomas France, age 11March 2018

I really enjoy Taekwondo and the reason I started was so I could learn to defend myself. Plus it is good fun and I could help others to defend themselves. I’ve also made new friends!

Maddie Thompson, age 9March 2018

Taekwondo has guided me throughout all my gradings. I’ve made lots of friends and I’ve trained and had lots of fun with them. My greatest achievement is my new belt. I am proud to be a member of DS Taekwondo!

Kai Harrison, age 9March 2018

I started TKD after Mr Shillabeer came to my school and taught us for 6 weeks. I really enjoyed the lessons and so decided to join the club at Forge Valley. I’ve been training for 2 and 1/2 years now and really look forward to going to TKD each week. I have met new friends, learnt new skills, it keeps me fit and has built self confidence. I would say to anyone considering coming- just go for it- its loads of fun and you can learn lots of skills.

Alfie Broughton, age 11March 2018

I like TKD because you get to play lots of games like ‘dodge-pad’ and ‘evil ninjas’!

Uzair Wani, age 7March 2018

I really enjoy TKD because it is very fun and I learn to defend myself. I would like to achieve my black belt. I would tell anyone thinking about TKD to do it- Its great fun!

Willow Hutchinson-Dean age 11March 2018

Khalid Ali, 14

I first started TKD when I was 10 when a leaflet came through the door and my brother wanted me to go with him. From Taekwondo I have learnt to always be courteous and to persevere as the tenets of TKD encourage you to do. My favourite parts are patterns, sparring, gradings and competitions. After 4 years of training I achieved my black belt and now I want to work towards becoming an instructor. Its worth doing TKD because you meet new friends, you learn how to defend yourself and you get fit too. I really like Taekwondo and I want to keep doing it as long as I can!

Archie Twigg, 10

Taekwondo has been my favourite hobby for the last 9 months. The main reason I joined was because I was getting bullied at school. I think Taekwondo has improved lots of things for me, like self control and focus. It is very good for getting fit and making new friends.


Joshua Sutton-Sprenz, 6

One of my friends was already doing Taekwondo so I wanted to give it a try. I was a bit nervous before my first lesson but really enjoyed it! I am hoping to get my black belt one day so I am working hard. Taekwondo is cool and good fun. You might be a bit scared before your first lesson, but once you are doing it, its great!

Samuel Lee, 14

After getting my Black belt I felt a lot more confident in than I ever have before. DS Taekwondo gave me the opportunity to make new friends, and it also keeps you healthy.



Zane Polin, 7

I wanted to join a Taekwondo club because I had a friend who did it who said that it was good. I also wanted to do different exercises to what I already do and I wanted to gain higher belts. DS Taekwondo is fun and friendly. After my first lesson I wanted to join. I enjoy doing pattern work and games at the end of the lessons, also I’ve made lots of new friends. My fitness has got better since being at TKD and I feel happy and proud because I’ve passed my first grading and got a new belt. In the future I would like to enter competitions and get higher belts. I would say to anybody thinking about joining, come and do it! It’s great!

Connie Morris, 4

I like Taekwondo it makes you feel happy and the exercise is fun and makes you stronger. I’m really proud of myself because I can remember my patterns. You should try it because it is really good.


Daisy Morris, 6

After my first few lessons I felt happy because I had been exercising. I started because I liked learning the new moves and theory. I think its helped me because I can use it for self defence or to help my little sister. We have learnt how to deal with bullies without having to use Taekwondo too.


Matthew Bergmann, 7

I wanted to start because it looked good. I wanted to try and get belts in Taekwondo. I really like the games we do.



Jensen Harrison, 6

I like patterns and fun warm ups and games at the end is my favourite part!



Ali Asker, 11

I love Taekwondo!




Asa Gudmundsdottir, 13

I enjoy Taekwondo because it’s fun, a good workout and you meet lots of new friends!



Anna Stieberova, 8

I like Taekwondo because you learn how to defend yourself



Megan Lewis, 12

I think Taekwondo is really fun to learn. It makes you stronger and and is very useful for self defence.



Ella Stenton, 11

It’s a really fun thing to do and I have learned loads!




James Fawcett, 13

I started Taekwondo because my dad used to do it and he suggested I tried it.

After the first few lessons I loved it and carried on!



Corey Tillock, 13

I started Taekwondo because I saw a demonstration at my school and I though it looked good. I’ve now been training a year and a half, I’m current World Champion and it’s still really good!