June 2018 grading information

Update 4th June. Mock venue and times confirmed and are same as previously advertised.

Dates for your diary.

Mock grading

A mock grading session will be held on Saturday 9th June, 2018 at Wesley Hall, Crookes, S10 1UD. Times are as follows:

  • 12:00pm – White to yellow belts
  • 1:00pm – Green stripes to blue stripe belts
  • 2:00pm – Blue belt and above

The mock grading is the best way to see if you are ready to go for the real grading. It is conducted with the same formality and procedure and will help the student best prepare themselves for the real grading two weeks later.

If you cannot make the start time please speak to Mr. Shillabeer and we will try to accommodate you.

Mock Gradings cost £5.00 (payable in advance please).

All students will receive written feedback to help them improve.


Formal grading will be held at on Wednesday 27th June, 2018 at Forge Valley School, Wood Lane, Stannington, S6 5HG. Times are as follows:

  • 5:15pm – Start for White Belt up to and including Green Belt
  • 6:00pm – Start for Blue Stripe and above

Please arrive at least 15/20 minutes before your grading start time.

Due to the grading, all normal lessons will be cancelled on the day.

Any students from Stannington not grading this time can catch up the lesson for free in the normal way (please see poster on catch up lessons).

Grading cost £32.00 (with grading pack) or £30 (without grading pack), payable 2 lessons before the grading.

All cheques carry a £1 charge and should be payable to Sheffield West TKD.

Any questions please contact Mr. Shillabeer.

Mr. Shillabeer.