What is DSTaekwondo?

DS TAEKWONDO takes its name from the initials of Taekwondo World Champion Mr Dave Shillabeer. Mr Shillabeer owns and instructs at...
What is Taekwondo?

Tae Kwon-Do is a form of unarmed combat that has its origins in ancient Korea and has grown in popularity...
Benefits of Taekwondo

What will Taekwondo do for me? MEN: Tae Kwon-Do will improve your fitness, increasing muscle strength and stamina while improving...
The T.A.G.B.

The Taekwondo Association of Great Britain is Europe's largest martial arts organisation, with over 35,000 members training in over 650 clubs...

The TAGB has a carefully structured grading syllabus that introduces new skills and techniques to students at regular intervals. As...
The Club

DS Taekwondo has 2 clubs in Sheffield: CrookesWesley Hall Church, Crookes Rd, S10 1UD(Mondays and Fridays) StanningtonForge Valley Sports Centre,...

Mr Dave Shillabeer has over 30 years experience in martial arts. He holds belts in Wado-ryu Karate, Samurai Jiu Jitsu...
History of Taekwondo

The words Tae Kwon Do are made up of the Korean words Tae, which means to strike with the feet,...

Anything you are not sure about? Here are some of the most frequently asked questions..... If you have any specific questions...
Welfare and Safeguarding

DS Taekwondo is dedicated to ensuring that Taekwondo remains safe at all times. We are committed to providing World Class...