COVID-19 New Procedures- Forge Valley Sports Centre
The below procedures have been introduced to try to ensure the safety of our pupils, staff, customers and the community at Forge Valley School Sports Centre. We need to ensure that all users adhere to these procedures where possible so that we can remain open and continue to allow access to the school site outside of school hours.
Upon Arrival
- Remain in your car/ do not arrive or enter the building until your session time. It is likely you will not be allowed entry whilst other people are in the building or previous sessions are leaving. Please advise all users to travel independently unless coming from the same household where possible.
- Please note and remind your participants on where to enter the building depending on where your session will take place: If using the Gym/ Fitness Studio and or Dance/ Activity Studio then please enter via the main sports centre entrance. If using the Sports Hall then please enter downstairs via the back of the building. If using the Dance/ Activity Studio then please exit via the fire exit at the back of the studio to avoid large groups of people meeting along corridors etc.
- Please ensure all participants wash their hands upon entering the building
- Ensure that anyone feeling unwell or has symptoms of COVD-19 does not enter the building.
- Follow all signage that has been put up around the building to remind and support customers.
- ONE allocated lead person to register at reception desk at Forge Valley Sports Centre providing name, address and telephone number for track and trace purposes. This information will be kept for 21 days and teams/ users must register and sign in on every visit.
- Please note that only 3 people will be able to queue at the Reception Desk at any one time. If there are more then individuals will be asked to queue outside on the marked lines.
- It is advised that individuals wear face masks when inside the building and moving to and from activity sessions.
- There will be no hot drinks served at reception during this time. Please advise all users to bring a filled water bottle with them as water fountains will be made unusable.
Your Session
- Your activity should follow current rules/ regulations and procedures stipulated by your specific National Governing Body. If you do not have a Governing Body for your activity then please speak to the facility manager around mitigating risks in your session.
- All external facility bookings should have a COVID-19 specific risk assessment in place and have discussed this with the Sports Centre Manager prior to attending site.
- All external bookings should keep personal details (including name, address and phone number) of ALL participants so they can be given for track and trace purposes.
- Bookings where children attend should not allow parents to stay on site wherever possible. If parents/ carers need to stay on site for any reason then they should be factored in to the maximum numbers within the specific room.
- Bookings at Forge Valley Sports Centre will be for 55 minutes out of a 60-minute block. This will allow cleaning of equipment in between activities such as benches and other heavily used areas (example 5pm-5.55pm). If you block book a room for a period of time we would advise staggering start and finish times to ensure there is no grouping of sessions and numbers do not exceed maximum limits.
- Sharing of equipment should be limited where possible and equipment used in sessions should be cleaned before it is stored at Forge Valley School. Where possible no equipment should be stored at the school however there are exceptional circumstances to this (large equipment, goal posts etc.). If needed then bookings should factor cleaning times in to their booking at school.
- Changing facilities at the school will NOT be open for public use for general sessions or bookings. Participants are advised to come ready for activity and wash clothing as soon as possible once the session has concluded.
- Remind all of your participants to wash their hands before leaving the session.
- All bookings should have a qualified first aider on site, access to first aid equipment and adequate PPE provision for the individual.
- Please pay online via BACS wherever possible or speak to the Sports Centre Manager regarding paying via invoice from now onwards. Please limit the use of paying with cash wherever possible and note that after cash has been handled both users and sports centre staff should wash their hands thoroughly.
- If a participant who has been on site tests positive for COVID-19 then we would expect that the lead person contacts the Sports Centre Manager immediately with the date and time of the session that they were in school.
A full copy of the Procedures is available on the website.
So please help me to run the classes by adhering to the above for the time being.
Any questions let me know.
A full copy of the Risk Assessment is available on the website.
Due to the changes on numbers allowed in the space the new times at Wesley Hall will be:
- Little Ninjas 5.10pm – 5.55pm
- Junior Beginners 6.05pm – 6.55pm
- Junior Advanced 7.05pm- 7.55pm
- Seniors 8.05pm – 8.55pm