Whether you are thinking about grading on March 31st or not it is still a very good idea to do the mock. It is the best way to prepare, assess your own level of skill and competence of your grading syllabus and for me to see how you are likely to perform under grading formalities/pressure/ without teaching tips etc.
You will receive feedback to help you improve and let you know if you will be eligible to undertake the real grading.
Please transfer £5 and let me know you will be attending ASAP so I can structure groups.
- 10:00am – White belts
- 10.20am – Yellow stripes
- 10.40am – Yellow belts
- 11:00am – Green stripes
- 11.20am – Green belts
- 11.45am – Blue stripes
- 12.10pm – Blue belts
- 12.35pm – Red stripes
- 1:00pm – Red belts
- 1.25pm – Black stripes and black belts
These times may change slightly depending on late-comers so please let me know asap if you are attending thank you!
Kind regards.
Mr Shillabeer.