Mock grading Sunday 12th September

Updated 28th August – new times due to venue double booking

The Mock grading will be on Sunday 12th September at Forge Valley School

  • 1:15pm – White belts and yellow stripes
  • 2:00pm – Yellow belts to green belts
  • 2:45pm – Blue stripes to red stripes
  • 3:30pm – Red belts and above

Your group is what belt you are now.

£5 payable in advance online or cash.

All students receive feedback to help them improve. The mock is the students best chance to see what the grading will be like and for me to see how they are progressing and if they are ready to grade on Wednesday 22nd September starting at 5:00pm.

Please let me know you will be attending if you pay online. Use reference – student name/mock.

Any questions please ask.

Thanks, Mr Shillabeer