Grading dates, November/December 2023

Mock grading

Sunday 26th, November

Forge Valley School, Wood Lane, Stannington, S6 5HG.
(Upstairs in the sports centre)

  • 1:00pm White belts and Yellow stripes
  • 1:30pm Yellow belts and Green stripes
  • 2:00pm Green belts
  • 2:15pm Blue stripes and Blue belts
  • 2:45pm Red stripes and above

There is no warm up etc. So please be ready to go. There is limited changing space so please come ready in your dobok.

Due to the nature of gradings timings are not exact. You may be slightly before or after this time.

£6 payable in advance, if you have not yet paid, please do so now and let Mr. Shillabeer know.

Mock grading is the students best chance to see if they are ready for the real grading. It is conducted with the same formality and procedure and will help the student best prepare themselves for the real grading two week slater.

All students receive written feedback to help them improve. If you cannot make your start time please speak to Mr. Shillabeer and we will try to accommodate you.

Formal grading

Sunday 10th, December

Forge Valley School, Wood Lane, Stannington, S6 5HG.

White belts and yellow stripes should arrive from 5.00pm as you will be the first groups.

  • 5:30pm START – Exact times TBA

Gradings cost £33.


Important information

Due to the nature of gradings it is not possible to have exact start times. The times above are a rough guide.

Your group may start a bit earlier or later than planned so it’s best to arrive early and be prepared and ready to go when called up.

There is no warm up so leave time to do this for yourself.

If you miss your group then that’s it, you will need to wait until next grading in 3 months time.

All white belts must have completed a green grading card with photo attached and handed it to Mr. Shillabeer in advance of the grading.

All students that haven’t handed in their red licence book please leave it in the box outside the dojang.

No parents will be allowed in to watch the grading.

Once your grading has finished you are free to leave quickly and quietly please.

You will find out your result at the next lesson you train.

Please have most of your sparring gear on as we will probably spar first

Any questions please ask Mr. Shillabeer.

Good luck to those that are grading this time.

Stannington classes

All classes for 10th are cancelled.

Normal catch up rules apply, see Catching up lessons for full details.